• Detergent Foods: Clean your teeth while you eat!
    Did you know that there are certain foods you can eat which help to clean your teeth? We call them "detergent foods." In dentistry we look at the impact of Read more
  • Top Five Things to Keep Your Dentist Smiling
    Come say hello twice a year. The American Dental Association says two times is the charm. Multiple visits a year lets us keep an eye out for any developing issues. Read more
  • Dental X-rays and Your Child
    We’re parents, so we worry. It comes with the job description! That’s why we make sure our children use toothbrushes with soft bristles and apply just the right amount of Read more
  • Don’t let a dental emergency ruin your summer vacation!
    For many of our patients at Kokomo Smile Creations, summer means a season of relaxation, vacation, and outdoor fun and activities. While you can’t take a vacation from dental emergencies, Read more
  • Three Reasons We're Fans of Fluoride
    Why all the fuss about fluoride? Your dentist recommends it, your toothpaste is formulated with it, most of our drinking water contains it. Just what is it about this mineral Read more
  • Make Brushing Teeth Fun!
    It’s understandable that kids would rather be playing outside or watching their favorite movie instead of doing a “boring” task like brushing their teeth. But there are ways to make Read more
  • The History and Mythology of the Tooth Fairy
    While the last baby teeth generally aren’t lost until age ten or 11, most children stop believing in the tooth fairy by the time they're seven or eight. Of course, Read more
  • Healthy Summer Foods
    It’s summer—that wonderful time of year when fresh and delicious produce abounds. Dr. Judy Culver will tell you that your teeth, gums, and tissues all rely on an appropriate mix Read more
  • Surprising Ways to Prevent Cavities
    There are numerous ways to prevent cavities. Some, like brushing your teeth regularly and visiting our Kokomo, IN office, are more obvious than others. Beyond the standard methods of preventing Read more
  • In the Pink
    Our gums cover and protect the sensitive roots of our teeth and the bone around them. While we often think of gum tissue as a rosy shade of pink, that’s Read more
  • Are there foods that whiten teeth?
    Coffee. Blueberries. Red wine. Tomato sauce. They might please our palate, but they are notorious for staining our teeth. Luckily, nature has balanced the scales for us! Here are just Read more
  • What exactly is biofilm?
    Biofilm is a protective home for bacteria that’s composed of microorganisms. Biofilm can be found in wet places such as ponds, sewers, and bathroom drains, and it also grows on Read more
  • The Best DH in Baseball
    Oh, wait—did you think we meant Designated Hitter? Oh, no, we’re not getting into that debate! What we want to talk about is the best Dental Habits you can practice Read more
  • Women's Hormones and Oral Health
    At Kokomo Smile Creations, we know that hormones affect a woman's mood, but did you know they can also impact the health of a woman’s mouth? Women are susceptible to Read more
  • Top Ten Ways to Improve Heart Health
    The human heart truly appreciates it when we eat healthy foods, don’t smoke, and exercise regularly. But there’s something else that can improve your heart’s longevity and you may not Read more
  • Implants: Why It’s Important to Replace Missing Teeth
    Sometimes, despite our best care, we lose a tooth. If it is a front tooth, it will probably be a high priority to replace. But if a missing tooth doesn’t Read more

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